
Nattapong Sirichairawan (Tuek), Production Supervisor (Thailand)


How long have you been at RotoMetrics?

The current count is four years that I’ve work with RotoMetrics SE Asia (Thailand).


What’s your favorite aspect of our industry?

There is no product in the world that does not use packaging and labels. So the business of manufacturing packaging and labeling is never ending. Of course, that means the manufacturer of tooling as well. I am very proud to have been involved in the production of tools for use in the making of an important part of the world. We have a part in developing and supporting packaging and label manufacturers. Their new labels design, great images and added value to the product that I see in the market is part of our success.


How has your role evolved?

I was fortunate to be a part of RotoMetrics SE Asia from the beginning. We became a distributor to the production of Flexible die first to customers on February 7, 2011. I began working as a Pattern Officer and was promoted to Pattern Leader in 2011. I then advanced to Production supervisor in 2013, as part of an experienced Industrial engineer and a pattern staff in RotoMetrics SE Asia. I was able to apply the knowledge and experience to develop and boost manufacturing quality and efficiency. Of course, to meet the needs of most customers.


What’s next for RotoMetrics (SE Asia)?

With over three years of experience, I’ve had the opportunity to study and develop together with many clients, customers in Asia and the Middle East, which is introducing new manufacturing technologies. Packaging and labeling is a relatively new technology. This helps RotoMetrics SE make progress quickly and understand the needs of our customers even more. We are able to provide advice and assistance to customers quickly and efficiently. RotoMetrics SE serves customers in both Asia and the Middle East with high quality product and fast delivery, resulting in the same day and next day delivery abilities. We are ready to meet the demand for more flexible dies. The product is more complex and we continue to develop steadily, not just flexible dies for label, but continue to develop flexible dies for other packaging and products, to meet the needs of the market in all dimensions.


Tell us about yourself; what are your hobbies?

Cooking is my hobby. I like to cook. The taste, I like and also happy family activities. When I have free time, I like to read stories about our business, whether it is manufacturing techniques, New Technology in the manufacture of tools or labels and packaging.


Any dream travel destinations?

There are several places in Thailand I have not been to. The people around the world travel to Thailand for tourism. Therefore, Thailand is the best place for me to travel.


Motto in life?

No attempt was not honored.