Webex Spreader Rolls

A cost-effective solution for spreading, dewrinkling, tracking, nonslip and air elimination

Various custom elastomers through our partnership with Valley Roller

Precision-machined with angled, outward spiraling grooves across the roll surface

These anti-wrinkle Idler Rolls can influence your web in various ways, including stretching it, spreading it or allowing the web to lay flat so that it simply does not induce wrinkles in the first place.

These Idlers are covered with a rubber elastomer and are precision-machined with angled, outward spiraling grooves across the roll surface. There are different elastomers available, each with different physical properties such as solvent resistance, heat resistance and hardness. In addition, various groove patterns are available to meet your specific application needs. Our Customer Support Specialists can help you determine which elastomer and groove pattern is best for your specific application.

  • Tag et étiquette
  • Emballage
  • Emballage flexible
  • Pharmaceutique
  • Non-tissé
  • Batterie
  • Serviette et tissu
  • Transformation spécialisée