Product Subcategories

Lösungen für Spreizer, Spezialwalzen und Gummibeläge
Alle Präzisionswalzen Produkte

Webex Wärmeübertragungswalzen (Kühlwalzen)
A uniquely engineered internal temperature management system allows for precise temperature control, ensuring consistent, reliable performance in heat transfer applications.

Webex Vakuumwalzen
A uniquely engineered internal vacuum system provides a strong, stable grip on a variety of materials, ensuring consistent and reliable web handling.

Webex Breitstreckwalzen
Expertly engineered internal design that ensures consistent, even spreading.

Webex Umlenkwalzen
We offer more than 400 standard configurations and numerous customizable options available for coating, plating, finish, groove patterns, shaft style, and environmental capabilities.

WINertia™ AV-Air Vent Aluminium Umlenkwalz
Featuring a special air vent design for consistent, reliable performance in demanding environments.

WINertia™ AV-Breitstreckwalze
Easily remove wrinkles with this specially designed tapered dead shaft to achieve a greater surface speed at the ends of the roll.

Valley Roller Rillenspreizwalzen mit Gummiüberzug
With more than 3,000 custom rubber compounds, you will dramatically improve your performance through our precise grinding tolerances that exceed industry standards, including the option for inspection for highly accurate measurements in applications requiring a near-perfect grind profile.

Webex Breitstreckwalzen
Bowed Rolls from Maxcess provide even tension and vibration-free operation for web separation and wrinkle elimination.

Expertly designed, engineered, and custom built specialty rolls for various industries, with fast turnaround and decades of expertise. Contact us for your next project.